1. This anti-corruption standard was developed in pursuance of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015 No. 410-V ZRK "On Combating Corruption" and is a system of prohibitions, restrictions and permissions in the areas of activity of a state institution (state organization) KSU "Dauitskaya secondary School "of the Department of Education of Akzhar district (hereinafter referred to as teachers and school staff):

2. The purpose of the anti-corruption standard is to prevent manifestations of corruption, increase legal literacy and zero tolerance for manifestations of corruption in the educational organization.

3. Tasks of the anti-corruption standard:

  • formation of sustainable anti-corruption behavior and responsibility of teachers and school staff in the exercise of their rights and obligations;
  • timely detection of corruption manifestations and prevention of their negative consequences;
  • improving the efficiency of the educational organization.

4. Application and implementation of the anti-corruption standard:

  • The anti-corruption standard is applied in the activities of an educational organization in the exercise of functions and the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities.
  • The anti-corruption standard is mandatory for all teachers and employees of the educational organization.
  • Teachers and employees of the educational organization are personally responsible for the application and implementation of the anti-corruption standard.

5. The anti-corruption standard is changed in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption".

6. The anti-corruption standard defines the actions and decisions of teachers and employees of the educational organization aimed at strict compliance with the established rules and prevention of corruption manifestations, depending on the field of activity.

7. Actions of teachers and employees of the educational organization in the event of corruption in the field of public relations:

  • if a teacher or an employee of an organization has information about a corruption offense, he must take the necessary measures to prevent and stop such an offense, including immediately informing in writing the superior manager, the management of the educational organization in which he works, authorized state bodies;
  • immediately bring to the attention of the immediate supervisor about cases of corruption that have become known to him, violations of the norms of official ethics and disciplinary offenses that discredit the state organization, about the facts of appeals to them by any persons with the aim of inciting them to commit corruption offenses and receive gifts, about the conflict of interest that has arisen or about the possibility of its occurrence, about personal interest in the performance of official duties.

8. Control over the observance by teachers and employees of the organization of education of the anti-corruption standard is carried out by the Commissioner for Ethics. In case of non-compliance by teachers and employees of the educational organization with the anti-corruption standard, the head of the educational organization informs the commissioner for ethics (head of the education department) about this.

9. Name of the sphere of public relations: sector of accounting and economics;

9.1. Prohibitions, restrictions and permissions:

  • keep accounting records of financial activities, control over the economical and rational use of material, labor and financial resources of the educational organization;
  • keep records of banking, cash transactions and settlements within the financing plan;
  • keep records of incoming fixed assets, their movement;
  • conduct reconciliations of payments with service providers;
  • sign, together with the head of the educational organization, banking documents and documents that serve as the basis for the acceptance and issuance of inventory items and cash, as well as financial obligations;
  • draw up and submit consolidated financial statements (budget statements, financial statements, etc.) to the relevant authorities within the established time limits.
  • conduct an economic analysis of the financial activities of an educational organization; according to accounting and reporting data in order to identify reserves of funds;
  • ensure strict observance of staff, financial and cash discipline, execution of financing plans, safety of accounting documents, execution and submission of them in the prescribed manner to the archive;
  • carry out, in accordance with the procedure established by law, control over the work on organizing the procurement of goods (works, services) for state needs, by tender (other types of procurement procedures);
  • carry out accounting of incoming fixed assets and inventory items, as well as timely reflection in accounting of operations related to their movement. Perform depreciation calculations.
  • carry out in accordance with the procedure established by law for accounting;
  • conduct an inventory of material assets and maintain relevant documentation.
  • bring to the attention of the head of the educational organization, the head of the education department or law enforcement agencies about cases of corruption offenses that have become known to him, incurring disciplinary responsibility for failure to fulfill this duty;
  • comply with the rules of internal labor regulations.

10. A teacher and an employee of an educational organization are obliged to:

  • resist actions that damage the interests of the state, hinder or reduce the effectiveness of the functioning of state bodies;
  • to ensure the observance and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, to consider, in the manner and within the time limits established by law, the appeals of individuals and legal entities, to take the necessary measures on them;
  • in cases of establishing a discrepancy in the regulatory legal acts regulating the performance of certain duties, immediately notify the authorized body in writing;
  • ensure transparency in decision-making affecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;
  • comply with the restrictions and prohibitions established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • when preparing and making managerial and other decisions within its competence:
  • avoid conflicts of interest, if they arise, take measures to eliminate them in accordance with the law;
  • exercise powers within the limits of the rights granted to them and in accordance with their official duties;

11. When exercising the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities in the area affected by the anti-corruption standard, the teacher and employee of the educational organization must:

  • be guided by the principle of legality, the requirements of the Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, strictly observe anti-corruption legislation;
  • take measures to prevent any possibility of a conflict of interest;
  • prevent actions (inaction) that impede the exercise by individuals and legal entities of their rights and legitimate interests;
  • not use their official powers and related opportunities to obtain personal property and non-property benefits;
  • make every effort for highly professional work, apply optimal, economical and other competent ways to solve the tasks;
  • constantly improve their professional level and qualifications for the effective performance of their duties;
  • prevent abuse of official position, manifestations of unreasonable bureaucracy and red tape when considering applications from individuals and legal entities, as well as manifestations of rudeness and bias;
  • ensure observance and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;
  • support and require colleagues to maintain a high legal and anti-corruption culture.

12. When preparing and making managerial and other decisions within their competence, teachers and employees of the educational organization are obliged to:

  • comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • observe professional (service) ethics;
  • immediately inform in writing the head of the educational organization, the head of the education department, authorized state bodies about cases of inducing him by other persons to commit corruption offences.
  • strictly observe labor discipline, effectively dispose of the powers granted; conscientiously, impartially and efficiently perform their official duties, rationally use working time;
  • in the performance of official duties not to give preference to individuals and legal entities, to be independent of their influence;
  • refrain from contacting colleagues and the manager with requests that violate the established order of relationships, which may affect their adoption of an impartial official decision.

13. In case of other relationships that arise depending on the specifics of the sphere of life:

  • not allow unfounded accusations, facts of rudeness, humiliation of human dignity, tactlessness, incorrect behavior towards colleagues and citizens;
  • in the process of fulfilling duties, be guided only by objective and reliable information;
  • ensure the safety of state property, use property rationally, efficiently and only for official purposes;
  • promote the establishment and strengthening of business relationships and constructive cooperation in the team;
  • prevent the commission of misconduct and other offenses for which the law provides for disciplinary, administrative liability;
  • observe business etiquette and rules of official conduct;
  • strictly comply with the general provisions on state control and supervision during verification activities.
  • immediately inform the head of the educational organization, the head of the education department, or the authorized body for combating corruption about cases of corruption offenses that have become known to them.

14. In case of non-compliance with this anti-corruption standard of the educational organization, teachers and employees of the educational organization bear personal responsibility, the penalty of which provides for disciplinary liability.